Our Motivation

We are working to increase the quality of life for individuals with dysfunctions of sensory integration, be it as 

  • a course provider
  • an instructor who educates therapists in best practices of ASI therapy within their profession
  • a clinician on the mat with the children, youngsters, and adults and their family members, or
  • a researcher who designs studies around ASI and publishes peer-reviewed articles to develop SI theory further.

We aim to help significant others and society  understand  and  support individuals with sensory integrative problems that make their everyday lives full of challenges. We are dreaming of a world that understands the SI perspective and respects and supports its weaker members (who often turn out to be its strongest BTW). 

Making sure that therapists who are willing to learn about Sensory Integration, will find state-of-the-art SI training programs that  meet the international standards set forth by ICEASI is worth our effort. It is the reason we get up every day and do what we do, at SI clinics, universities, and continuing education courses.

Our Mission

They say that nothing worth doing is easy, especially if you are a non-profit organization with volunteers doing all the work. But we are determined to honor Dr Jean Ayres's legacy and contribute to better lives for children with SI disorders through supporting the best ASI training for therapists and professional exchange within the SI community. 

ICEASI will achieve its purpose by

  • coordinating activities and  maintain a liaison with international SI  organizations
  • promoting the exchange of knowledge among member organizations
  • exchanging knowledge through publications and scientific meetings, i.e. congresses
  • facilitating and expanding SI training opportunities in and among countries with a member organization
  • setting standards for SI training that leads to the certificate as ASI®Practitioner for the professions of Occupational Therapy (OT), Physiotherapy (PT), and Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) 
  • accrediting SI training programs that meet the standards set forth by ICEASI
  • promoting and supporting a research network in ASI®
  • upholding the standards of education in ASI®